strategies to teach reading fluency to struggling students

This post includes 5 strategies to teach reading fluency to struggling students.ย 

One of the foundational skills of effective reading is fluency. Fluency is your ability to read a text quickly and accurately. This is an important skill – it allows you to understand what youโ€™re reading better. The strategies below will help your child become more fluent and confident in their reading skills.

here are different strategies to teach reading fluency to struggling students

Strategies to Teach Reading Fluency to Struggling Students

A quick note. Before you begin targeting fluency, make sure your child can decode (sound out words to read words). If your child is not able to sound out words yet, continue to work on phonics.ย 

Fluent Reading Looks Like This:

  • Reading with expressionThis means reading with emphasis. As your child is reading, if they emphasize certain words… they are reading fluently!ย 
  • Reading words correctly and accuratelyThis means your child is reading with very few reading errors.ย 
  • Reading quickly with appropriate pacing This means reading at a quick pace without pausing to sound out words. If your child can read how they talk, then they are reading fluently.ย 


Fluency Strategy #1: Model Reading with Fluencyย 

Strategies to Teach Reading Fluency to Struggling Students

Children need to hear what fluent reading sounds like. As parents and teachers, we are the perfect models for this!ย 

You know that I will always praise the importance of reading out loud to your child. While you are reading out loud, your child will notice how your voice changes as you read.

This is because we read with expression. When we come to a question mark, our voice changes to reflect that.ย 

While we are reading to our child, we should try to read fluidly and emphasize the different punctuation that we come across. Point that out to your child the next time youโ€™re reading.ย 

“There’s an exclamation sentence at

the end of this sentence. Did you notice

how I read that sentence with a lot of emotion?”

When we model fluent reading,ย  it helps our children develop an ear for fluent reading. This encourages them to read with the same fluency and expression they hear.ย 

Fluency Strategy #2: Readers Theaterย 

Strategies to Teach Reading Fluency to Struggling Students

Readers Theater is a strategy where children will practice reading by reading a script or passage out loud.ย 

These scripts are usually based on poems, classic stories, or theatrical plays. Plenty of dialogue is the key here! This is a great way to practice reading with expression and intonation.ย 

In Reader’s Theater, children will read a script by reading out loud the speaking lines of different characters. It is a great opportunity to repeatedly practice the same text. Also, youโ€™re working on those big fluency skills – expression, pace, and tone.ย 

Reader’s Theater is a great activity to do in a group, and it can be a fun way to get children excited about reading.ย 

There are many free scripts available online that are appropriate for different ages and reading levels. Dr. Chase Young has so many on his website here.

Fluency Strategy #3: Repeated Readings

Strategies to Teach Reading Fluency to Struggling Students

Another strategy that can help struggling readers improve fluency is by doing repeated readings. This method involves having the child read the same text multiple times. While they are reading, they are focusing on expression and accuracy.ย 

Here is how to start repeated readings…

Simply have your child read the same text three times in a row.

Make sure to select a text that is appropriate for their current reading skill level.

During that first reading, make sure you are there to offer support and guidance.ย 

Each time, they should try to read it more smoothly and accurately than the last.

After the third reading, you can discuss the text with them to go over any comprehension questions.ย 

The first time a child reads a passage, they may need support with new words or certain sentences. However, with each reading that follows, you will start to notice a few things. The amount of errors made when reading words is going to decrease. Overall reading speed will increase. Reading expression improves as well.ย 

Because of that, your child’s confidence and understanding of the text will increase!ย 

Fluency Strategy #4: Assisted Readings

Strategies to Teach Reading Fluency to Struggling Students

Letโ€™s talk about assisted readings. With this strategy, the child who is working on fluency is paired with another child who is a more proficient reader.

This strategy works best for children in a classroom setting, but it can be done through technology as well.ย 

The more proficient reader will first read a part of the passage out loud. Then, the reader that is working on fluency will read aloud to the more proficient reader. They can either reread the same section or read a different section. While they are reading, they will receive feedback and support from the other reader.

It gives a great opportunity to work on reading new words, phrasing, and expression.ย 

This strategy can be used in small groups. It can be very helpful for readers who struggle with decoding or comprehension. Assisted reading also is a fun social way to read together while practicing some new reading skills.ย 

Fluency Strategy #5: Cloze Readingย 

Strategies to Teach Reading Fluency to Struggling Students

Cloze reading is a helpful strategy for improving reading fluency. With cloze reading, a child is given a text or passage that has missing words.ย 

The child must then fill in the blanks. The missing words are selected strategically to challenge the reader’s comprehension and vocabulary.ย 

To use this strategy, you can either find or create your own cloze reading passages. Make sure the passages are at your childโ€™s reading level. Encourage them to read the passage multiple times. When they come to a blank, they will fill it in with different words until they become more comfortable with the passage.

Not only does cloze reading help with fluency, but it also helps to build reading comprehension and vocabulary skills. As children become more comfortable with this strategy, they can begin to create their own cloze reading passages, selecting their own missing words to challenge themselves and others.

Remember, like any other reading strategy, it’s essential to approach cloze reading with plenty of patience. Encourage your child and celebrate their progress, no matter how small. With consistent practice and support, your little reader can build fluency and confidence in their reading skills.

Quick Cloze passage resources


This post included different strategies to teach reading fluency to struggling students.

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